on whiteboard...
Whiteboards are great and there are times when they are a better fit than illustrating your event content than paper. When would that be the case? Well, if you have a larger audience and you are wanting your participants to see the key messages develop as they are said, then the larger format of a whiteboard (or sesies of) is a good option.

the event journey unfolding on a huge whiteboard wall...

sharing is caring... as long as you're not sharing toxic comments...

a theme of emergence played out across all the walls...

...all different in their odd little ways...

the amazingness of 'the difference'...

...can be shown in so many ways and it can be easy to offend, using animals helps resolve the issues of leaving anyone out or stereotyping...

sometimes I like to have a little fun with a footnote on a section of a larger image...

up the front of the room with the presenter just drawing up what they are saying as they say it... not a lot of time to process...

...a great cause...

... if only I could remember and implement everything I hear...

... they mean less to people than you think...

as your event unfolds in all it's twists and turns, I am busy having a listen and capturing it for all to see...

whiteboards are not just for whiteboard markers...

the illustration is only part of the process... the trick is in getting a bunch of vague ideas into a coherent image... a useful process.

well... from time to time I like to go around a workplace and... enhance their signage...

a small part of a much larger series of images...

just because someone SAYS you can't...

I listen in to the discussion and from there capture the essence of what is being said... chances are it won't be a dinosaur... in a space ship...

learn from others mistakes...

who ever you are talking to, they are just a person... have a conversation. It may well lead anywhere...

sometimes the way you need to learn is just to try it for yourself...

tying the event together via a theme...

generally, the only thing from stopping you being up there... is you...

if you have a theme decided in advance, a few props go a long way to bringing that theme to life...

a box of whiteboardness...

if the audience is right, you can have a lot of fun with the space you are working in...

you are in one, right now... where do you fit... and how can you fit better..?

...and sometimes you'll bump your head along the way...

here is one of those high performing teams you hear so much about...

... of sorts