on paper...
Increasigly I find I'm drawn to illustrating event content on paper. White board walls are great and have a role to play however they are temporary. For my work on paper I use 300gsm archival hand made cold prerssed water colour paper... which means it's nice. It's a nice take away that clients frame and put up on the wall in head office as an artwork bespoke to their company and it's journey. But even more than being a nice peice of art it is a means of both diceminating the key messages of an event to those not furtunate enough to be present at the time and also keeping those messages alive once the all too familiar flood of BAU washes back over you post event...

day one of training leaders of the future...

being mindful not to let anyone slip through the cracks...

i often use animals in human situations as it removes any challenges of gender and ethnicity.

if you haven't really thought what it is, then how do you know where you are leading your people..?

the world is spinning faster and faster, if you're not agile then how do you expect to keep up..?

apparently you will only ever get the opportunity to be in two during your lifetime...

did you do that or did I... and if it was me... then you did it...

the pages I draw are both stand alone and work together to create a larger landscape...

just because you're an SME doesn't mean everyone else is...

the only constant is...

its a big world with a lot of hills, we all need help along the way... admit it or not...

you need a theme of some form to tie the imagery together, say a construction site for a large ongoing program...

a feeling i heard people mention... some time ago... in the past...

one in a series of posters to accompany educational videos for aspirant teachers...

...as a leader you can actually talk to people as if you were both normal... imagine.

it may be a great one... but perhaps it may not be as great as someone else's ...

...ensuring that no one sit outside the bubble...

now there's no need to whisper that is there...

if it's not a good story, then who is really listening..?

but not easy to obtain... start with simply doing the right thing... all the time.

and listening to everyone and not caring who's who in the zoo...

be better, there are so many ways to do it...

curse that knowledge...

it would appear you don't belong down here..!

and have a chat. It's free and may well yield surprising results...

... actually, don't bother...

...and taking advice from others...

do you have one..?

all go towards making a rich full picture...

...most leaders may not have considered this when it comes down to it...

and of course there are times when you need people, not animals...